Monday, April 12, 2010

We have our Sweet 16!

When we initially received more than 200 quote submissions from our '100 Best Movie Quotes' facebook page, narrowing the list down was a seemingly daunting task. It took at least four or five different drafts to get it down to 100, but that was a beautiful milestone. Now, it was out of our hands. Now, it would be up to the people, the voters. And you haven't failed us. The crowning moment is close at hand. We are now down to 16 quotes. 16 quotations out of the millions, billions, maybe trillions of quotes in the history of spoken film that have ever been uttered. With one more round of voting, we will move into single digits.

Do you understand the magnitude of this accomplishment? Or to quote one of my all-time favorite comedies, Dumb and Dumber; "Do you realize what you've done!?"

Well I have good news for you, America. The town is back THAT way.......

Here are your results from round 3.

Drama, Horror, Suspense
  • #1 v #8 - #1 "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." - The Godfather - 76% of votes
  • #2 v #7 - #2 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." - Gone With the Wind - 82% of votes
  • #3 v #6 - #6 "Here's looking at you, kid." - Casablanca - 52% of votes
  • #4 v #12 - #4 "Say 'hello' to my little friend!" - Scarface - 64% of votes
Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
  • #1 v #9 - #1 "May the Force be with you." - Star Wars Trilogy - 82% of votes
  • #2 v #10 - #2 "Houston, we have a problem." - Apollo 13 - 52% of votes
  • #3 v #6 - #3 "...they may take our lives, but they'll never take...OUR FREEDOM!" - Braveheart - 73% of votes
  • #4 v #5 - #4 "You've got to ask yourself one question. 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?" - Dirty Harry - 55% of votes
  • #1 v #8 - #1 "I got robbed by a sweet, old lady on a motorized cart. And I didn't even see it coming!" - Dumb and Dumber - 61% of votes
  • #2 v #7 - #2 "I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries." - Monty Python and the Holy Grail - 64% of votes
  • #3 v #6 - #6 "I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?" - Meet the Parents - 52% of votes
  • #4 v #5 - #4 "Surely, you can't be serious!" "I am serious....and don't call me Shirley." - Airplane! - 61% of votes
Hybrid Genres
  • #1 v #9 - #1 "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." - The Wizard of Oz - 67% of votes
  • #2 v #7 - #2 "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." - The Princess Bride - 76% of votes
  • #3 v #6 - #3 "You can't handle the truth!" - A Few Good Men - 88% of votes
  • #4 v #5 - #4 "The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club." - Fight Club - 67% of votes

Saturday, April 10, 2010

32 Quotes Left, Round 3 Begins

I hope you've all had as much fun following this race as we have had putting it on. But now it's time to really get your hands dirty. We're down to 32 excellent movie quotes and there's no doubt that you're going to have some trouble making some choices in this round of voting. Stay strong, and remember the quotes have no feelings and that your votes are completely anonymous.

Results: Round 2

Well, we've had some great participation through the first two rounds of voting. You've helped us to narrow our list from 100 down to 32. Hopefully, you will keep on voting and get other friends and family to vote as well, because it's only going to get harder from here. We're stepping out of the realm of clear and easy choices. Just about every single one of the 16 pairings that we have left will be one great quote versus another. So the more people vote, the easier it will be to distinguish the true winner. Tell your friends!

Here are the results for round 2. Voting for round 3 is soon to follow!

Drama, Horror, Suspense
  • #1 v #17 - #1 "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." - The Godfather - 83% of votes
  • #2 v #15 - #2 "Frankly, my dear. I don't give a damn." - Gone With The Wind - 71% of votes
  • #3 v #19 - #3 "My momma always said, 'Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.'" - Forrest Gump - 63% of votes
  • #4 v #13 - #4 "Say 'hello' to my little friend!" - Scarface - 86% of votes
  • #5 v #12 - #12 "How do you like them apples?" - Good Will Hunting - 51% of votes
  • #6 v #11 - #6 "Here's looking at you, kid." - Casablanca - 69% of votes
  • #7 v #23 - #7 "I see dead people." - The Sixth Sense - 54% of votes
  • #8 v #9 - #8 "If you build it, he will come." - Field of Dreams - 74% of votes
Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
  • #1 v #17 - #1 "May the Force be with you." - Star Wars Trilogy - 91% of votes
  • #2 v #15 - #2 "Houston, we have a problem." - Apollo 13 - 67% of votes
  • #3 v #14 - #3 "...they may take our lives, but they'll never take...OUR FREEDOM!" - Braveheart - 81% of votes
  • #4 v #13 - #4 "You've got to ask yourself one question. 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?" - Dirty Harry - 55% of votes
  • #5 v #12 - #5 "Bond. James Bond." - Mr. No - 74% of votes
  • #6 v #22 - #6 "No. I am your father." - Star Wars: Episode V - 74% of votes
  • #7 v #10 - #10 "Yippe-ki-yay, motherfucker." - Diehard - 63% of votes
  • #8 v #9 - #9 "I'll be back." - The Terminator - 51% of votes
  • #1 v #16 - #1 "I got robbed by a sweet old lady on a motorized cart. And I didn't even see it coming!" - Dumb and Dumber - 91% of votes
  • #2 v #18 - #2 "I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries." - Monty Python and the Holy Grail - 55% of votes
  • #3 v #14 - #3 "No. You'll shoot your eye out." - A Christmas Story - 67% of votes
  • #4 v #13 - #4 "Surely, you can't be serious!" "I am serious...and don't call me Shirley." - Airplane! - 61% of votes
  • #5 v #12 - #5 "I'm in a glass case of emotion!" - Anchorman - 59% of votes
  • #6 v #11 - #6 "I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?" - Meet the Parents - 55% of votes
  • #7 v #10 - #7 "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood...nobody." - Dodgeball - 51% of votes
  • #8 v #9 - #8 "I'll have what she's having." - When Harry Met Sally - 69% of votes
Hybrid Genres
  • #1 v #16 - #1 "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." - The Wizard of Oz - 88% of votes
  • #2 v #15 - #2 "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." - The Princess Bride - 79% of votes
  • #3 v #14 - #3 "You can't handle the truth!" - A Few Good Men - 79% of votes
  • #4 v #20 - #4 "The rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club." - Fight Club - 71% of votes
  • #5 v #12 - #5 "There's no crying in baseball!" - A League of Their Own - 65% of votes
  • #6 v #22 - #6 "To infinity, and beyond!" - Toy Story - 71% of votes
  • #7 v #10 - #7 "Oh, don't be so stupid. Of course we intend to resist! Just give us a moment, alright?" - The Three Musketeers - 54% of votes
  • #9 v #25 - #9 "As you wish." - The Princess Bride - 74% of votes
It was an impressive turnaround for Good Will Hunting in the second round. In the first, it barely advanced past #21 seed Cool Hand Luke by getting the tie-breaking vote from one of our committee members. It was another tight race, but no tiebreaker was necessary against #5 seed The Shining, as "How do you like them apples?" won by exactly one vote.

When we first seeded the brackets, we had #8 seed Field of Dreams in the #11 slot. (If we'd left it there, it would have faced Casablanca in the second round. Interesting.) Even though it's only faced a #25 and #9 seed, Field of Dreams has been dominant through the first two rounds, garnering almost 85% of all votes.

On the first day of voting, #12 The Matrix was destroying #5 Mr. No, and we were thinking we had severely underestimated the quote power of 'Spoon Boy' (superhero movie, anyone?). The fact that it didn't even end up being close reassures us that there are some sensible people in the world.

Jerry Maguire was the surprise of the first round, advancing 3 for 3 out the 'Hybrid' region. But it disappeared in the second round, going 0 for 3 against the likes of The Wizard of Oz, The Three Musketeers, and The Princess Bride.

Round 3 coming soon!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

And Round 2 Begins....

36 quotes moved on from the first round and now we bring in 28 new quotes to kick off things in the second round.

I'll let you analyze all of the matchups on your own, but I couldn't help mentioning the #4 v #13 pairing in the Action region. Harry Callahan of Dirty Harry faces off against Harry Callahan of Sudden Impact. Who's gonna win that fight?

Thanks for voting!

Results: The other three regions...

Thanks again for your participation! These are the results for the first round of the other three regions (Action and Co., Comedy, Hybrid Genres). We'll update the brackets and start the second round voting sometime today.

Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Fantasy
  • #8 v #25 - #8 "Wax on...wax off. Wax on...wax off." - The Karate Kid - 68% of votes
  • #9 v #24 - #9 "I'll be back." - The Terminator - 67% of votes
  • #10 v #23 - #10 "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker." - Diehard - 92% of votes
  • #11 v #22 - #22 "A martini. Shaken, not stirred." - Goldfinger - 56% of votes
  • #12 v #21 - #12 "There is no spoon." - The Matrix - 52% of votes
  • #13 v #20 - #13 "Go ahead, make my day." - Sudden Impact - 88% of votes
  • #14 v #19 - #14 "I'm too old for this shit!" - Lethal Weapon - 64% of votes
  • #15 v #18 - #15 "Hasta la vista, baby." - Terminator 2: Judgment Day - 68% of votes
  • #16 v #17 - #17 "With great power, comes great responsibility." - Spiderman - 60# of votes
  • #8 v #25 - #8 "I'll have what she's having." - When Harry Met Sally - 76% of votes
  • #9 v #24 - #9 "I guess you can 'Derelict' my balls, Capitan." - Zoolander - 64% of votes
  • #10 v #23 - #10 "We got no food, no jobs....OUR PETS' HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!" - Dumb and Dumber - 67% of votes
  • #11 v #22 - #11 "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller's Day Off - 76% of votes
  • #12 v #21 - #12 "No. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time." - Monty Python and the Holy Grail - 72% of votes
  • #13 v #20 - #13 "They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time." - Anchorman - 60% of votes
  • #14 v #19 - #14 "We came. We saw. We kicked its ass." - Ghostbusters - 72% of votes
  • #15 v #18 - #18 "Allllrighty then." - Ace Venture: Pet Detective - 52% of votes
  • #16 v #17 - #16 "That Veronica Vaughn is one piece of ace. I know from experience, dude. If you know what I mean." - Billy Madison - 56% of votes
Hybrid Genres/Catch-All
  • #8 v #25 - #25 "Shut up, just shut up. You had me at, 'Hello.'" - Jerry Maguire - 56% of votes
  • #9 v #24 - #9 "As you wish." - The Princess Bride - 92% of votes
  • #10 v #23 - #10 "SHOW ME THE MONEY!" - Jerry Maguire - 84% of votes
  • #11 v #22 - #22 "Lions, and tigers, and bears! Oh my!" - The Wizard of Oz - 75% of votes
  • #12 v #21 - #12 "I'm your Huckleberry." - Tombstone - 64% of votes
  • #13 v #20 - #20 "There's no place like home." - The Wizard of Oz - 60% of votes
  • #14 v #19 - #14 "That'll do, pig. That'll do." - Babe - 71% of votes
  • #15 v #18 - #15 "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." - The Princess Bride - 75% of votes
  • #16 v #17 - #16 "You complete me." Jerry Maguire - 52% of votes
As you can see from the first two groups, everything was pretty cut and dry, but there were some pretty big surprises in the Hybrid region. In particular, we never expected Jerry Maguire to be such a powerhouse, with all three of its entries moving on the second round, including the major upset over #8 Oliver's "Please sir, I want some more."

Round 2 is coming up. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Results: Drama/Horror/Suspense Region

We were waiting to move on until we had at least 20 votes, and we've almost doubled that amount. Voting is still open for the other three regions, which can be done here. Be sure to invite other people to take part as well. The sooner we get people to vote, the faster we can get the necessary votes to move on to the next round. Here are the results from the first round in the Drama, Horror and Suspense region. It's truly amazing how close most of these votes actually were.

#8 v #25 - #8 "If you build it, he will come." - 100% of votes
Just about every single other match-up was at least interesting. But Wall Street's #25 seed was an absolute joke against 'The Voice' in Field of Dreams.

#9 v #24 - #9 "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." - 52% of votes
These two quotes went back of forth all throughout the voting process, but Dirty Dancing pulled things out at the last minute to move on.

#10 v #23 - #23 "Look, Daddy. Teacher says, every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings." - 64% of votes
I'm not sure whether we overrated Dead Poets Society or underrated It's a Wonderful Life, but I'm inclined to think it was the latter.

#11 v #22 - #11 "A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." - 52% of votes
Casablanca was actually running away with this one. It didn't seem like it was going to be close. But Hannibal Lecter and Silence of the Lambs ran a virtual sweep all day today to make a remarkable comeback.

#12 v #21 - #12 "How do you like them apples?" - 52% of votes

This pairing was in a dead heat from start to finish. In fact, we ultimately had to bring someone in from the committee to make a tie-breaking vote. In the end, Good Will Hunting remained as the victor.

#13 v #20 - #13 "I'm the king of the world!" - 60% of votes
Though not the biggest Titanic fan, I have to confess that even I was aware of this quote before I ever saw this movie. It is unquestionably recognizable.

#14 v #19 - #19 "Get busy living, or get busy dying." - 52% of votes
There were some within our camp that felt Rocky was ranked too low on this bracket, but it appears that we were right to leave it at #14, because it couldn't get past The Shawshank Redemption in the very first round.

#15 v #18 - #15 "...keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." - 68% of votes
Everybody knows better than to mess with The Godfather.

#16 v #17 - #17 "You're gonna need a bigger boat." - 52% of votes
Ironically, Taxi Driver maintained a small lead over Jaws the entire time, but the epic shark tale mounted an impressive comeback in the eleventh hour.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The other three regions.....

Alright, so we're going to be doing the voting for the rest of the tournament a little bit differently. Thanks for being patient with us while we work out the best way to do this. I think we've got it now. And now we have the first round polls for the other three brackets. All remaining votes and rounds will be embedded straight on the blog. Get to voting!

Drama, Suspense and Horror: Round 1

First of all, thanks for all of the great quote contributions to the facebook group page. Now we can start the real fun. Remember, you can take a look at the original bracket here. Once we start getting some results and advancing to future rounds, we'll have an additional live page to view results. And as always, if you want a copy of the bracket for yourself to fill out, ask us for one and we can email the original file to you.

Today, we open the polls for the first round of our Drama/Suspense/Horror region. Despite the fact that the first round doesn't even include the seven highest-ranked quotes in this category, there are plenty of easily recognizable quotes to choose from. There are some potential major underdogs that could go far in this group.

The most likely upset could come in the 10 v 23 vote. The infamous Christmas movie, It's a Wonderful Life makes an appearance at #23, with Zuzu Bailey's statement about an angel getting wings every time you hear a bell ring. It could make an impact on the bracket, if it can get past the inspirational weight of Dead Poets Society's "Carpe Diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary."

Let the voting begin! And stay tuned for more quotes to vote on in the next day or two!

Click Here to Vote

The Quest for the Greatest Movie Quote of All Time

The NCAA Tournament is over now, (so close, Butler. So close...) but your March Madness bracket was likely destroyed weeks ago. The good news for you is, you now have a chance to redeem yourself by filling out another bracket. It's not sports-related, but then again, 85% of people who fill out the brackets don't even follow sports. It's all about the competition, isn't it?

So here's the deal. Our fearless leader, Ryan Hennesy, founded the Facebook group page 100 Best Movie Quotes Ever. Even with only 70+ members in its first week of existence, the group page received more than enough quote recommendations for us to generate a formidable list of 100 great movie quotations. With bracket fever still fresh in our systems, we decided to take it a step further and launch a vote-based tournament in an effort to determine the single greatest movie quote of all time.

So for now, we're just linking the brackets. It's a basic Google Docs spreadsheet with four different 25-team brackets included. The brackets are seeded and laid out, all ready for an epic showdown. What is written on the actual bracket is a short, condensed version of the quote in question. The entire quote is listed to the right of each bracket. As this is single-elimination, the top-7 seeded quotes all have a bye in the first round of matchups. 88 movies are represented in this tournament.

The four categories are: 
  1. Drama/Horror/Suspense: 24 movies are represented in this bracket, with Casablanca being the only film to appear twice.
  2. Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi/Fantasy: There are also 24 movies represented in this bracket. Star Wars: Episode IV gets the honor of two appearances.
  3. Comedy: Four movies got double nominations in this bracket, giving us a total of 21 different movies represented in the bracket. The double nominations belong to Dumb and Dumber, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Anchorman, and Billy Madison.
  4. Hybrid Genres/Catch-All: Naturally, a couple of the categories had more than 25 quality nominations, so they fell into this group. Additionally, any other movie that either didn't fit into one of the three groups or could have fit into more than one of them. 19 films are represented in this bracket.
So take a look at the bracket online here. If you want a copy of the file yourself so that you can fill out the bracket, leave a comment on here with your email address written out (i.e. username at domain dot com) and we'll send you an email with the spreadsheet file. Voting will begin soon.

And look for more mindless bracket fun and polls to come in the future.